The Dominican economy continues showing signs of good health. According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the accumulated growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Dominican Republic in the last four years (2018-2022) was 15.5%, which places it at the head in the growth of the CAPRD countries (Central America, Panama and the DR itself). 

More specifically, from 2018 to 2022 the country’s accumulated economic expansion exceeded the average growth of the countries in the CAPRD region by 27%, and individually by 50% that of Costa Rica (10.4%) and doubled that of Panama (7.3%). Guatemala has the second highest economic development in this period, with an increase in its GDP of 14.7% while Haiti’s performance is consistent with its institutional collapse (-8.3%) since the end of 2018 and accumulates four consecutive years in negative territory. 

According to economist Henri Hebrard, the Dominican economy’s good performance, especially in the last two years, is due to the proper management by those responsible for public finances and correct political decision-making in this area. 


Listín Diario

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