The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) excluded the country from this negative ranking due to the improvements achieved in the protection of intellectual property rights during the current administration.

For the first time since 1996, the United States has removed the Dominican Republic from the watch list of the Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property.

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) excluded the country from this negative ranking due to the improvements achieved in the protection of intellectual property rights during the current administration.

This achievement is attributed to the systematic work of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and SMEs (MICM), through the Interministerial Council on Intellectual Property (CIPI).

Minister of MICM, Víctor -Ito-Bisonó, welcomed the USTR’s decision, which, he said in a statement, recognizes the Dominican government’s commitment in this matter.

“At MICM, we work tirelessly in coordinating public policies aimed at preserving intellectual property as a means to promote knowledge, innovation, and the economic and social development of the Dominican Republic,” the minister stated.

He added, “The set of actions implemented by all state entities involved in disseminating, preserving, and prosecuting violations of intellectual property rights has yielded excellent results for our country. From combating illicit activities, signal piracy, infringement of copyright, to strengthening state institutions through CIPI.”

What is the 301 Report?

The 301 Report on Intellectual Property is published by the USTR as a result of an annual review, mandated by the U.S. Congress, of the global state of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

About CIPI

The Interministerial Council on Intellectual Property (CIPI) was created by Decree 776-22 on December 30, 2022, driven by the MICM along with the Attorney General’s Office (PGR). Its mission is to design and coordinate the action criteria of key institutions in the promotion, protection, and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

This body is composed of various government entities and works on strengthening capacities and developing inter-institutional coordination procedures.


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