Last Wednesday, November 24, DMK Abogados hosted a gathering with the author of the book “Jewish Presence in the Dominican Republic”, Dr. Herbert Stern.

A large group of renowned academics, historians and businessmen from the country took part in the event, which was attended by the Israeli Ambassador, Daniel Biran Bayor. Others included Bernardo Vega, Juan Daniel Balcacer, Jose Natalio and William Redondo Galán, Simon Suarez, Pedro and Jaime Esteva Troncoso.

In his introductory words, Dr. Stern highlighted the tolerant attitude of the Dominican people towards Jewish people and the excellent relations that have characterized the Jewish presence and Jewish descendants in the Dominican Republic. He emphasized the contribution of distinguished Dominicans of Jewish origin to the history of the country, including Haim Lopez Penha and Enrique De Marchena Dujarric.

He also indicated that emigration to the country brought doctors, engineers, artists, photographers and many who became outstanding people. He pointed out that the contribution of the Jewish community has been enormous, ranging from notable professionals such as Erwin Walter Palm, and Dr. Alberto Paiewonsky to industries such as Productos Sosúa.

He also spotlighted how many Jewish descendants have been relevant figures in Dominican life since the 20th century, as is currently the case of the Ambassador to Canada, Michelle Cohen and the former Ambassador to the UN Security Council, José Singer.

For his part, the Israeli Ambassador, Daniel Biran Bayor, remarked on the contributions of the Jewish community to the country, the absence of anti-Semitism, and the stellar role of the Dominican Republic in the formation of the State of Israel. He said that the excellent relations between the two countries are at a historical point in their development, thanks to close bilateral relations and the importance given by Israeli investors to the country, to the point that ” important businessmen are visiting the country on a monthly basis and bringing investment with them”.

For his part, managing partner of DMK Abogados, Enrique De Marchena Kaluche, said in his introductory remarks, “We are proud to be able to support this initiative and its author, the prominent ophthalmologist, historian and philanthropist, Herbert Stern, and to receive the Ambassador. We already have distinguished Jewish descendants in our offices. Our Firm gladly promotes this type of academic activities and has always supported legal, business and cultural events in the country throughout our almost 30-year history. “


DMK Abogados

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