President Luis Abinader presented his accountability to the National Assembly on February 27, highlighting economic growth, foreign investment and progress in key sectors such as education, security, energy and social protection. 

Education: 8.5 million textbooks were delivered, 4,500 classrooms were connected to the internet, benefiting 70% of students, and 1,600 new classrooms were built for early education. 70,000 young people will participate in the virtual English program in 2025.

Economic matters: GDP growth was 5% in 2024, exceeding the Latin American average. Foreign investment reached 4,512 million dollars, consolidating a third consecutive year above 4,000 million. Exports grew 7.1%, totaling 13,852 million dollars. The projected goal for 2028 is 17,000 million in exports and 20,000 million in foreign investment.

Financial system: record profits of RD$27,566 million in Banreservas, a growth of the loan portfolio of 12.5%, and the entry of 240,000 new customers into the banking system.

President Luis Abinader’s speech in figures

Labour: 165,000 new formal workers were added, and the open unemployment rate fell to 4.8%, the lowest in the country’s history. In addition, new salary increases of 20% were announced, distributed in 12% in April 2025 and 8% in February 2026.

Infrastructure: 4,810 homes were delivered through the Ministry of Housing and social programs, and 53,700 private homes were approved. In addition, works such as upgrading the Duarte Highway, the Judicial City in Santo Domingo East and the extension of the Ecological Avenue were highlighted.

Tourism: record breaking, with more than 11 million visitors in 2024, generating 10,000 million dollars in foreign exchange and more than 750,000 jobs. 

Security: homicide rate dropped from 11.5 in 2023 to 9.7 in 2024 and in the first months of 2025 it fell to 7.8. In addition, 89 tons of drugs were seized.

Energy and environment: renewable generation reached 1,396 MW, doubling the capacity in 2020. 

Agricultural sector: exports grew by 17.9%, totaling 3,265 million dollars.

Social protection: 440,000 people were lifted out of poverty, reducing the rate from 23% to 18.98%. Programs such as Bonogás Hogar and Bono Luz benefited more than 1.8 million families, while the Economic Dining Rooms distributed 52 million rations.


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